Privacy Policy

How Information is Collected and Used

If you choose to register with us you are asked for a login username, password, name, address, phone number, email address to establish the registration. However, registration is not required to order from us. When you place an order, we will ask you for your mailing address, credit card number and expiration date, as well as certain other information. Upon completion of the online order, a confirmation of your order will be sent via email to the email address you supplied. Using your account information, we will only contact you in case we are not able to process your order or we have a problem with any of your information. We will not sell your information to anybody. If you chose to register with us you can always access your account by login in our site and modify your information at any time.

Your Comments

We welcome your feedback. If you have questions or comments about our privacy policies, feel free to drop us an email at or

Thank you for visiting this page and we wish you a Happy shopping Experience. You can always reach by calling us Toll Free in United States and Canada.